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Minecraft items price

Minecraft items price:


The purchase is for 350 percent of the original price.

/shop buy <ID:DATA> <HOW_MUCH>
/shop buy 1 64 - thats add 64 stones

/shop sell <ID:DATA> <HOW_MUCH>
/shop sell 1 64 - thats sell 64 stones

/shop check 1 - get info about stone shopping

1 0.45 Stone
/shop sell 1

2 0.70 0.20 Grass
/shop buy 2 /shop sell 2

3 0.35 0.10 Dirt
/shop buy 3 /shop sell 3

4 0.35 0.10 Cobblestone
/shop buy 4 /shop sell 4

5 0.18 Wooden Plank Oak
/shop sell 5

5 1 0.22 Wooden Plank Spruce
/shop sell 5:1

5 2 0.24 Wooden Plank Birch
/shop sell 5:2

5 3 0.27 Wooden Plank Jungle
/shop sell 5:3

6 0.35 0.10 Sapling - Oak
/shop buy 6 /shop sell 6

6 1 0.53 0.15 Sapling - Spruce
/shop buy 6:1 /shop sell 6:1

6 2 0.53 0.15 Sapling - Birch
/shop buy 6:2 /shop sell 6:2

6 3 0.70 0.20 Sapling - Jungle
/shop buy 6:3 /shop sell 6:3

12 0.88 0.25 Sand
/shop buy 12 /shop sell 12

13 0.53 0.15 Gravel
/shop buy 13 /shop sell 13

14 57.75 16.50 Gold Ore
/shop buy 14 /shop sell 14

15 5.95 1.70 Iron Ore
/shop buy 15 /shop sell 15

17 1.40 0.40 Wood - Oak
/shop buy 17 /shop sell 17

17 1 1.93 0.55 Wood - Spruce
/shop buy 17:1 /shop sell 17:1

17 2 2.27 0.65 Wood - Birch
/shop buy 17:2 /shop sell 17:2

17 3 2.63 0.75 Wood - Jungle
/shop buy 17:3 /shop sell 17:3

18 0.53 0.15 Oak leaves
/shop buy 18 /shop sell 18

18 1 0.53 0.15 Spruce leaves
/shop buy 18:1 /shop sell 18:1

18 2 0.53 0.15 Birch leaves
/shop buy 18:2 /shop sell 18:2

18 3 0.53 0.15 Jungle leaves
/shop buy 18:3 /shop sell 18:3

20 0.80 Glass
/shop sell 20

22 13.45 Lapis Lazuli Block
/shop sell 22

23 5.00 Dispenser
/shop sell 23

24 0.80 Sandstone
/shop sell 24

25 3.00 Note Block
/shop sell 25

27 61.36 17.53 Powered Rail
/shop buy 27 /shop sell 27

28 2.85 Detector Rail
/shop sell 28

29 5.29 Sticky Piston
/shop sell 29

30 0.25 Cobweb
/shop sell 30

31 0.53 0.15 Tall Grass
/shop buy 31 /shop sell 31

32 0.04 0.01 Dead Bush
/shop buy 32 /shop sell 32

33 4.39 Piston
/shop sell 33

35 1.40 0.40 Wool - White
/shop buy 35 /shop sell 35

35 1 1.15 Wool - Orange
/shop sell 35:1

35 2 1.20 Wool - Magenta
/shop sell 35:2

37 0.28 0.08 Dandelion
/shop buy 37 /shop sell 37

38 0.35 0.10 Rose
/shop buy 38 /shop sell 38

39 0.35 0.10 Brown Mushroom
/shop buy 39 /shop sell 39

40 0.35 0.10 Red Mushroom
/shop buy 40 /shop sell 40

41 153.85 Block of Gold
/shop sell 41

42 20.65 Block of Iron
/shop sell 42

44 0.31 Stone Slab
/shop sell 44

44 1 0.48 Sandstone Slab
/shop sell 44:1

44 2 0.17 Wooden Slab
/shop sell 44:2

44 3 0.13 Cobblestone Slab
/shop sell 44:3

44 4 0.83 Brick Slab
/shop sell 44:4

44 5 0.41 Stone Brick Slab
/shop sell 44:5

45 2.40 Bricks Wall
/shop sell 45

46 3.90 TNT
/shop sell 46

47 8.02 Bookshelf
/shop sell 47

48 0.60 Moss Stone
/shop sell 48

53 0.67 Wooden Stairs
/shop sell 53

54 6.44 1.84 Chest
/shop buy 54 /shop sell 54

57 216.40 Block of Diamond
/shop sell 57

58 3.92 1.12 Crafting Table
/shop buy 58 /shop sell 58

61 4.20 1.20 Furnace
/shop buy 61 /shop sell 61

65 0.83 Ladders
/shop sell 65

66 3.68 1.05 Rails
/shop buy 66 /shop sell 66

69 0.27 Lever
/shop sell 69

70 0.78 Stone Pressure Plate
/shop sell 70

76 0.57 Redstone Torch
/shop sell 76

77 0.80 Stone Button
/shop sell 77

81 0.35 0.10 Cactus
/shop buy 81 /shop sell 81

84 8.50 Jukebox
/shop sell 84

85 1.20 Fence
/shop sell 85

86 0.88 0.25 Pumpkin
/shop buy 86 /shop sell 86

96 0.48 Trapdoor
/shop sell 96

98 0.65 Stone Bricks
/shop sell 98

102 0.55 Glass Panel
/shop sell 102

106 1.05 0.30 Vines
/shop buy 106 /shop sell 106

111 0.88 0.25 Lily pad
/shop buy 111 /shop sell 111

120 0.60 End Stone
/shop sell 120

122 100.00 Dragon Egg
/shop sell 122

241 0.35 Indigo Flower
/shop sell 241

242 6 9.60 Tungsten Ore
/shop sell 242:6

245 0.50 Rubber Wood
/shop sell 245

256 2.20 Iron Shovel
/shop sell 256

257 6.20 Iron Pickaxe
/shop sell 257

258 6.20 Iron Axe
/shop sell 258

259 12.04 3.44 Flint and Steel
/shop buy 259 /shop sell 259

260 0.35 0.10 Red Apple
/shop buy 260 /shop sell 260

263 4.20 1.20 Coal
/shop buy 263 /shop sell 263

264 84.00 24.00 Diamond
/shop buy 264 /shop sell 264

265 2.25 Iron Ingot
/shop sell 265

266 17.05 Gold Ingot
/shop sell 266

268 0.85 Wooden Sword
/shop sell 268

269 0.76 Wooden Shovel
/shop sell 269

270 1.12 Wooden Pickaxe
/shop sell 270

271 1.12 Wooden Axe
/shop sell 271

272 0.69 Stone Sword
/shop sell 272

273 0.68 Stone Shovel
/shop sell 273

274 0.88 Stone Pickaxe
/shop sell 274

275 0.88 Stone Axe
/shop sell 275

276 48.49 Diamond Sword
/shop sell 276

277 24.58 Diamond Shovel
/shop sell 277

278 72.58 Diamond Pickaxe
/shop sell 278

279 72.58 Diamond Axe
/shop sell 279

280 0.09 Stick
/shop sell 280

283 121.07 34.59 Golden Sword
/shop buy 283 /shop sell 283

284 61.70 17.63 Gold Shovel
/shop buy 284 /shop sell 284

285 181.05 51.73 Gold Pickaxe
/shop buy 285 /shop sell 285

286 181.05 51.73 Gold Axe
/shop buy 286 /shop sell 286

287 0.70 0.20 String
/shop buy 287 /shop sell 287

288 0.88 0.25 Feather
/shop buy 288 /shop sell 288

289 1.75 0.50 Gunpowder
/shop buy 289 /shop sell 289

290 0.85 Wooden Hoe
/shop sell 290

291 0.69 Stone Hoe
/shop sell 291

292 4.40 Iron Hoe
/shop sell 292

293 48.58 Diamond Hoe
/shop sell 293

294 121.38 34.68 Gold Hoe
/shop buy 294 /shop sell 294

295 0.35 0.10 Seeds
/shop buy 295 /shop sell 295

296 0.70 0.20 Wheat
/shop buy 296 /shop sell 296

297 0.65 Bread
/shop sell 297

309 9.40 Iron Boots
/shop sell 309

314 45.00 Gold Helmet
/shop sell 314

318 2.76 0.79 Flint
/shop buy 318 /shop sell 318

319 3.33 0.95 Raw Porkchop
/shop buy 319 /shop sell 319

320 1.50 Cooked Porkchop
/shop sell 320

321 1.52 Paintings
/shop sell 321

323 0.79 Sign
/shop sell 323

324 1.48 Wooden door
/shop sell 324

325 7.15 Bucket
/shop sell 325

326 8.00 Water bucket
/shop sell 326

327 9.00 Lava bucket
/shop sell 327

328 11.65 Minecart
/shop sell 328

329 7.00 2.00 Saddle
/shop buy 329 /shop sell 329

330 13.90 Iron door
/shop sell 330

331 1.40 0.40 Redstone
/shop buy 331 /shop sell 331

334 2.80 0.80 Leather
/shop buy 334 /shop sell 334

336 0.55 Bricks
/shop sell 336

337 0.20 Clay
/shop sell 337

338 0.35 0.10 Sugar Cane
/shop buy 338 /shop sell 338

339 0.42 Paper
/shop sell 339

340 2.18 Book
/shop sell 340

341 1.75 0.50 Slimeball
/shop buy 341 /shop sell 341

344 1.05 0.30 Egg
/shop buy 344 /shop sell 344

345 10.60 Compass
/shop sell 345

346 1.00 Fishing Rod
/shop sell 346

347 69.80 Clock
/shop sell 347

348 1.40 0.40 Glowstone Dust
/shop buy 348 /shop sell 348

349 3.15 0.90 Raw Fish
/shop buy 349 /shop sell 349

350 1.45 Cooked Fish
/shop sell 350

351 0.70 0.20 Dye - Ink Sac
/shop buy 351 /shop sell 351

351 2 0.65 Dye - Cactus Green
/shop sell 351:2

351 3 0.88 0.25 Dye - Cocoa Beans
/shop buy 351:3 /shop sell 351:3

351 4 5.08 1.45 Dye - Lapis Lazuli
/shop buy 351:4 /shop sell 351:4

351 13 0.40 Dye - Magenta
/shop sell 351:13

351 14 0.55 Dye - Orange
/shop sell 351:14

351 15 0.64 Dye - Bone Meal
/shop sell 351:15

352 5.25 1.50 Bone
/shop buy 352 /shop sell 352

353 0.24 Sugar
/shop sell 353

354 3.50 Cake
/shop sell 354

356 11.52 3.29 Redstone Repeater
/shop buy 356 /shop sell 356

357 1.00 Cookie
/shop sell 357

358 15.16 Map
/shop sell 358

360 0.15 Melon (Slice)
/shop sell 360

361 0.35 0.10 Pumpkin Seeds
/shop buy 361 /shop sell 361

362 0.35 0.10 Melon Seeds
/shop buy 362 /shop sell 362

363 4.55 1.30 Raw Beef
/shop buy 363 /shop sell 363

364 2.65 Steak
/shop sell 364

365 2.63 0.75 Raw Chicken
/shop buy 365 /shop sell 365

366 1.30 Cooked Chicken
/shop sell 366

369 36.00 Blaze Rod
/shop sell 369

370 93.00 Ghast Tear
/shop sell 370

372 1.55 Nether Wart
/shop sell 372

375 2.25 Spider Eye
/shop sell 375

383 92 31.50 9.00 Cow
/shop buy 383:92 /shop sell 383:92

383 93 10.50 3.00 Chicken
/shop buy 383:93 /shop sell 383:93

383 90 24.50 7.00 Pig
/shop buy 383:90 /shop sell 383:90

383 91 19.25 5.50 Sheep
/shop buy 383:91 /shop sell 383:91

383 100 400.00 400.00 Horse (MOC)
/shop buy 383:100 /shop sell 383:100

388 14.40 Emerald
/shop sell 388

389 1.52 Item Frame
/shop sell 389

390 1.65 Flower Pod
/shop sell 390

391 0.88 0.25 Carotte
/shop buy 391 /shop sell 391

392 0.88 0.25 Potatoes
/shop buy 392 /shop sell 392

393 0.25 Roasted Potatoe
/shop sell 393

400 1.19 Pumpkin Pie
/shop sell 400

2131 1.40 0.40 Marble
/shop buy 2131 /shop sell 2131

2131 2 1.40 0.40 Basalt Cobblestone
/shop buy 2131:2 /shop sell 2131:2

2256 56.00 16.00 Gold Music Disc
/shop buy 2256 /shop sell 2256

2257 63.00 18.00 Green Music Disc
/shop buy 2257 /shop sell 2257

3158 10000.00 Sharpnet Stock
/shop sell 3158

3513 7 5.25 1.50 Aluminium Ore
/shop buy 3513:7 /shop sell 3513:7

4003 33.60 9.60 Lead Ore
/shop buy 4003 /shop sell 4003

4065 46.33 Personal Safe
/shop sell 4065

4071 12 168.58 Advanced M.Block
/shop sell 4071:12

4074 37.86 Generator
/shop sell 4074

4076 3 323.00 Uranium Block
/shop sell 4076:3

4091 4.90 1.40 Tin Ore
/shop buy 4091 /shop sell 4091

4092 5.60 1.60 Copper Ore
/shop buy 4092 /shop sell 4092

6003 2.10 Beer
/shop sell 6003

6004 16.12 Bottle of Vine
/shop sell 6004

6005 7.00 2.00 Cofee
/shop buy 6005 /shop sell 6005

6006 4.40 Whiskey
/shop sell 6006

6007 4.85 Tequilla Silver
/shop sell 6007

6008 23.25 Tequilla Gold
/shop sell 6008

6009 3.50 Rum
/shop sell 6009

6010 0.90 Semtex
/shop sell 6010

6011 5.60 1.60 Cup of Tea
/shop buy 6011 /shop sell 6011

6013 3.00 Barrel
/shop sell 6013

6014 57.26 Barrel of Wine
/shop sell 6014

6015 0.10 0.10 Cent
/shop buy 6015 /shop sell 6015

6016 10.00 10.00 10 EU
/shop buy 6016 /shop sell 6016

6017 100.00 100.00 100 EU
/shop buy 6017 /shop sell 6017

6018 1000.00 1000.00 1000 EU
/shop buy 6018 /shop sell 6018

6022 1.23 Bottle of Milk
/shop sell 6022

6028 0.25 Honey
/shop sell 6028

6030 0.42 Tomato Puree
/shop sell 6030

6031 4.99 Catchup
/shop sell 6031

6032 0.30 Flour
/shop sell 6032

6033 0.50 Dough
/shop sell 6033

6038 0.18 Slice of Bread
/shop sell 6038

6040 0.35 Potatoes Chips
/shop sell 6040

6041 1.35 Cooked Egg
/shop sell 6041

6043 5.28 Pizza
/shop sell 6043

6049 0.70 0.20 Cucumber
/shop buy 6049 /shop sell 6049

6050 0.70 0.20 Tomato
/shop buy 6050 /shop sell 6050

6051 6.71 Wine
/shop sell 6051

6052 0.72 Mixed Methanol
/shop sell 6052

6053 1.07 1 Destilated Ethanol
/shop sell 6053

6054 1.42 2 Destilated Ethanol
/shop sell 6054

6055 1.77 3 Destilated Ethanol
/shop sell 6055

6057 0.83 Bottle
/shop sell 6057

6059 1.40 Cloth Black
/shop sell 6059

6060 2.65 Cloth Blue
/shop sell 6060

6061 1.45 Cloth Brown
/shop sell 6061

6062 1.20 Cloth Grey
/shop sell 6062

6063 1.85 Cloth Green
/shop sell 6063

6064 1.75 Cloth Orange
/shop sell 6064

6065 1.65 Cloth Red
/shop sell 6065

6066 0.80 Cloth White
/shop sell 6066

6067 1.44 Cloth Yellow
/shop sell 6067

6071 3.52 Roll Of Papper - Black
/shop sell 6071

6072 4.77 Roll Of Papper - Blue
/shop sell 6072

6073 3.57 Roll Of Papper - Brown
/shop sell 6073

6074 3.97 Roll Of Papper - Green
/shop sell 6074

6075 3.87 Roll Of Papper - Orange
/shop sell 6075

6076 3.77 Roll Of Papper - Red
/shop sell 6076

6077 2.92 Roll Of Papper - White
/shop sell 6077

6078 3.56 Roll Of Papper - Yellow
/shop sell 6078

6083 0.48 Tile - brown
/shop sell 6083

6101 39.12 Stribrnak
/shop sell 6101

6102 38.17 Zlatak
/shop sell 6102

6104 8.45 Vines Scizors
/shop sell 6104

6105 6.48 1.85 Cement
/shop buy 6105 /shop sell 6105

6106 56.00 16.00 Oil Cell
/shop buy 6106 /shop sell 6106

6115 100.00 100.00 Los 100E
/shop buy 6115 /shop sell 6115

6116 100.00 100.00 Los Money 100E
/shop buy 6116 /shop sell 6116

6117 10.00 10.00 Rulette 10E
/shop buy 6117 /shop sell 6117

6118 100.00 100.00 Rulette 100E
/shop buy 6118 /shop sell 6118

6119 10.00 10.00 Guess 10E
/shop buy 6119 /shop sell 6119

6120 100.00 100.00 Guess 100E
/shop buy 6120 /shop sell 6120

6134 3.20 Vodka
/shop sell 6134

6152 75.60 21.60 Fuel Cell
/shop buy 6152 /shop sell 6152

9065 0.75 Omelet
/shop sell 9065

9258 14.80 Ruby
/shop sell 9258

9258 1 14.40 Emerald
/shop sell 9258:1

9258 2 8.40 Sapphire
/shop sell 9258:2

9258 3 18.55 Silver Ingot
/shop sell 9258:3

9258 6 0.50 Nikolite
/shop sell 9258:6

9261 9.67 Iron Handsaw
/shop sell 9261

9281 0.45 Circuit plate
/shop sell 9281

9296 0.70 0.20 flax seeds
/shop buy 9296 /shop sell 9296

10150 2 12.60 3.60 Raw Silicon
/shop buy 10150:2 /shop sell 10150:2

19373 11.10 Redstone Chipset
/shop sell 19373

30047 35.00 Uranium 238
/shop sell 30047

30066 1 0.84 Clay Dust
/shop sell 30066:1

30066 2 2.24 Coal Dust
/shop sell 30066:2

30066 3 1.12 Copper Dust
/shop sell 30066:3

30067 2.55 Copper Ingot (Ic2)
/shop sell 30067

30067 1 2.35 Tin Ingot (Ic2)
/shop sell 30067:1

30067 2 6.13 Bronze Ingot (Ic2)
/shop sell 30067:2

30136 210.30 Coal Chunk
/shop sell 30136

30137 24.95 C. Coal Ball
/shop sell 30137

30138 21.11 Coal Ball
/shop sell 30138

30139 22.26 6.36 Scrap Box
/shop buy 30139 /shop sell 30139

30147 1054.92 Iridium Plate
/shop sell 30147

30150 30.96 Carbon Plate
/shop sell 30150

30151 24.32 Carbon Mesh
/shop sell 30151

30152 10.56 Carbon Fibre
/shop sell 30152

30175 201.44 NanoSuit Boots
/shop sell 30175

30176 263.36 NanoSuit Leggings
/shop sell 30176

30177 294.32 NanoSuit Body
/shop sell 30177

30178 202.24 NanoSuit Helmet
/shop sell 30178

30184 2.46 I. Copper Cable
/shop sell 30184

30184 1 1.48 U. Copper Cable
/shop sell 30184:1

30184 9 7.80 Fibre Cable
/shop sell 30184:9

30184 10 0.87 ULC Cable
/shop sell 30184:10

30186 1.00 1.00 1 EU (IC2 Coin)
/shop buy 30186 /shop sell 30186

30187 33.73 Advanced Alloy
/shop sell 30187

30188 50.00 Zuzu
/shop sell 30188

30189 2.31 0.66 Scrap
/shop buy 30189 /shop sell 30189

30190 31.63 Advanced Circuit
/shop sell 30190

30191 22.33 Electronic Circuit
/shop sell 30191

30211 4.28 Rubber Boots
/shop sell 30211

30216 0.58 Rubber
/shop sell 30216

30217 1.05 0.30 Sticky Resin
/shop buy 30217 /shop sell 30217

30225 4.30 H. Coal
/shop sell 30225

30237 1 6.27 1.79 Water Cell
/shop buy 30237:1 /shop sell 30237:1

30237 2 11.52 3.29 Lava Cell
/shop buy 30237:2 /shop sell 30237:2

30237 8 10.23 CoalFuel Cell
/shop sell 30237:8

30237 9 7.77 BioFuel Cell
/shop sell 30237:9

30237 10 23.99 E. Water Cell.
/shop sell 30237:10

30238 5.46 1.56 Single-Use Battery
/shop buy 30238 /shop sell 30238

30240 86.96 Lapatron
/shop sell 30240

30241 29.60 Energy Cristal
/shop sell 30241

30242 12.65 Re-Battery
/shop sell 30242

30243 119.00 34.00 Uranium Ore
/shop buy 30243 /shop sell 30243

30245 31.09 Mixed Metal
/shop sell 30245