Map surface: 14637568 square meters Block amounts: Air: 917004867 Stone: 684246943 Grass: 6640828 Dirt: 78964120 Cobblestone: 265472 Moss Cobblestone: 65463 Monster Spawner: 3988 Bedrock: 43851980 Snow: 169781 Water: 42142637 > Finite: 3 Ice: 92869 Lava: 6186740 Fire: 3332 Portal field: 100 Obsidian: 94695 Endportal frame: 8409487 Endportal field: 4227 End stone: 1261524 Enderdragon egg: 12005052 Wood: 454319 > Normal: 253882 > Redwood: 163586 > Birch: 36851 Sapling: 2989 > Normal: 2967 > Redwood: 10 > Birch: 4 Tall grass and ferns: 571157 > Unknown shrub: 24 > Tall grass: 549945 > Fern: 21187 > Unknown shrub: 1 Dead shrub: 4281 Leaves: 5029426 > Normal: 3476230 > Redwood: 1232261 > Birch: 320935 Wooden planks: 797176 Cactus: 7441 Yellow flower: 26610 Red rose: 1937 Mycelium: 2860 Lily pad: 3271 Brown mushroom: 14064 Huge brown mushroom: 2508 > Flesh: 1 > Cap: 2503 > Stem: 4 Red mushroom: 6929 Huge red mushroom: 3084 > Flesh: 0 > Cap: 3080 > Stem: 4 Cobweb: 190403 Silverfish stone: 2677 Sand: 14223432 Sandstone: 3959339 Snow Block: 1134 Gravel: 23339414 Clay: 179619 Gold Ore: 488093 Iron Ore: 4771471 Coal Ore: 8689886 Diamond Ore: 193754 Lapis Lazuli Ore: 197704 Redstone Ore: 1557848 Gold: 83 Iron: 104 Diamond: 329 Lapis Lazuli: 54 Wool: 13907 > White: 1983 > Orange: 539 > Magenta: 0 > Light Blue: 95 > Yellow: 42 > Light Green: 14 > Pink: 3 > Gray: 137 > Light Gray: 952 > Cyan: 1798 > Purple: 2 > Blue: 210 > Brown: 2 > Dark Green: 132 > Red: 399 > Black: 7599 Farmland: 712 Crops: 720 Sugar cane: 9898 Vines: 225604 Cake: 27 Torch: 28743 Craft table: 288 Enchantment table: 8734 Brewing stand 2611 Couldron 1932 Chest: 6296 Locked chest: 20 Furnace: 255 Dispenser: 86 Note Block: 35 Jukebox: 385 Bookshelf: 375 Beds: 64 Wooden doors: 515 Iron doors: 244 Wooden stairs: 3020 Cobblestone stairs: 4247 Brick stairs: 1278 Stone brick stairs: 1597 Slabs: 2130 > Stone slabs: 1030 > Sand slabs: 258 > Wooden slabs: 488 > Cobblestone slabs: 345 > Brick slabs: 7 > Stone brick slabs: 2 Double slabs: 929 > Stone double slabs: 828 > Sand double slabs: 7 > Wooden double slabs: 76 > Cobblestone double slabs: 18 > Brick double slabs: 0 > Stone brick double slabs: 0 Sponge: 97 Glass: 10942 Glass pane: 4373 Brick: 994 Stone brick: 37965 > Smooth: 28199 > Mossy: 5830 > Cracked: 3935 Iron bars: 5386 TNT: 522 Melon stem: 4707 Melon: 449 Pumpkin stem: 633 Pumpkin: 386 Jack-O-Lantern: 3689 Netherrack: 173 Soul Sand: 70 Glowstone: 518 Nether brick: 552 Nether brick fence: 587 Nether brick stairs: 1931 Nether wart: 2755 Signs: 757 Ladder: 2193 Fence: 727105 Fence gate: 80 Minecart Track: 180769 Powered Rail: 597 Detector Rail: 60 Piston: 72 Sticky piston: 514 Lever: 144 Buttons: 250 Trapdoor: 64 Pressure Plates: 251 Redstone Wire: 1562 Redstone Torches: 781 Redstone Repeaters: 3811 Aether Portal: 87 Aether Dirt: 1113 Aether Grass: 13 Quicksoil: 14 Holystone: 8 Icestone: 18 Aercloud: 9 Aerogel: 2 Enchanter: 5 Incubator: 2 Log: 3 Plank: 12 Skyroot Leaves: 14 Golden Oak Leaves: 9 Skyroot Sapling: 5 Golden Oak Sapling: 12 Ambrosium Ore: 8 Ambrosium Torch: 3 Zanite Ore: 26 Gravitite Ore: 5 Enchanted Gravitite: 7 Trap: 9 Chest Mimic: 3 Treasure Chest: 2 Dungeon Stone: 4 Light Dungeon Stone: 6 Locked Dungeon Chest: 8 Locked Light Dungeon Stone: 44 Pillar: 8 These numbers might not be correct Zombies: 705 Cows: 1846 Sheep: 2407 Pigs: 1492 Skeletons: 354 Creepers: 0 Slimes: 0 maxx = 315 maxy = 231 smax = 317 smaxy = 329 minx = -155 miny = -53 smin = -251 sminy = -139 0: 917004867 1: 684246943 2: 6640828 3: 78964120 4: 265472 5: 797176 6: 2989 7: 43851980 8: 6300 9: 42136337 10: 1221663 11: 4965077 12: 14223432 13: 23339414 14: 488093 15: 4771471 16: 8689886 17: 454319 18: 5029426 19: 97 20: 10942 21: 197704 22: 54 23: 86 24: 3959339 25: 35 26: 129 27: 597 28: 60 29: 514 30: 190403 31: 571157 32: 4281 33: 72 34: 134 35: 13907 36: 61 37: 26610 38: 1937 39: 14064 40: 6929 41: 83 42: 104 43: 929 44: 2130 45: 994 46: 522 47: 375 48: 65463 49: 94695 50: 28743 51: 3332 52: 3988 53: 3020 54: 6296 55: 1562 56: 193754 57: 329 58: 288 59: 720 60: 712 61: 202 62: 53 63: 73 64: 1031 65: 2193 66: 180769 67: 4247 68: 684 69: 144 70: 124 71: 244 72: 127 73: 1557788 74: 60 75: 79 76: 702 77: 250 78: 169781 79: 92869 80: 1134 81: 7441 82: 179619 83: 9898 84: 385 85: 727105 86: 386 87: 173 88: 70 89: 518 90: 100 91: 3689 92: 27 93: 3788 94: 23 95: 20 96: 64 97: 2677 98: 37965 99: 2508 100: 3084 101: 5386 102: 4373 103: 449 104: 633 105: 4707 106: 225604 107: 80 108: 1278 109: 1597 110: 2860 111: 3271 112: 552 113: 587 114: 1931 115: 2755 116: 8734 117: 2611 118: 1932 119: 4227 120: 8409487 121: 1261524 122: 12005052 123: 886855 124: 6 125: 78 126: 55 127: 7 128: 149 129: 8 130: 13 131: 4 132: 9 133: 28 134: 8 135: 6 136: 103 137: 11 138: 21 139: 29 140: 9 141: 4 142: 4 143: 4 144: 390 145: 4 146: 42 147: 18 148: 14 149: 12 150: 9 151: 20 152: 45 153: 85 154: 6 155: 6 156: 6 157: 5 158: 12 159: 5 160: 37 161: 20 162: 2202 163: 68518 164: 64 165: 87 166: 1113 167: 13 168: 14 169: 8 170: 18 171: 9 172: 2 173: 5 174: 2 175: 3 176: 12 177: 14 178: 9 179: 5 180: 12 181: 8 182: 3 183: 26 184: 5 185: 7 186: 9 187: 3 188: 2 189: 4 190: 6 191: 8 192: 44 193: 8 194: 17 195: 0 196: 6 197: 7 198: 5 199: 10 200: 6 201: 2 202: 3 203: 8 204: 3 205: 5 206: 1 207: 3 208: 3 209: 2 210: 28 211: 4 212: 12 213: 7 214: 3 215: 2 216: 5 217: 3 218: 0 219: 43 220: 152 221: 2 222: 3 223: 4 224: 54 225: 6 226: 2 227: 89 228: 2704 229: 16 230: 9 231: 1730 232: 44 233: 4 234: 6 235: 2 236: 24 237: 5 238: 1 239: 5 240: 8 241: 11 242: 24338 243: 2664 244: 13 245: 17 246: 601 247: 161908 248: 2235009 249: 2768923 250: 32 251: 11 252: 8 253: 7 254: 362 255: 684